Friday, November 03, 2006

New homes - California City, CA

Here are some homes under construction. The home by the lake is next to the golf course and is one of many new homes in this subdivision. It lies about 3/4 mile south of the Civic Center. The other three under construction homes are about a mile further south, and lie in a very scenic and open area. Both of these areas have modern underground power and phone lines.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Top lunch destination - California City, CA

When I'm in California City, one of my favorite times of the day is lunchtime. I'll often grab a meal-to-go at the deli over in Aspen Mall, then head for Central Park to relax. Sometimes I bring some extra treats for the anxious residents, as you can see in one of the photos. This is a great looking park, with plenty of playground equipment for the kids, picnic facilities, ball field, huge summertime pool, etc. There is now talk underway of bringing back even more of the amenities from the past history of the park.


Look -- up in the sky! - Antelope Valley, CA

As I said, the Antelope Valley is very much aerospace central for major manufacturers, the military, and now and a civilian spaceport. Sometimes I am surprised to see some amazing aircraft being put through their paces in the clear blue skies over the northern valley. Here I spotted a V-22 Osprey, which is an amazing VSTOL (verticle/short takeoff and landing) tiltrotor aircraft being tested for the Marines and the Airforce. Those props are 38 feet in diameter!
